Step-by-Step Guide to Flashing Xiaomi Router Nano Bootloader

1 minute read

The Xiaomi router nano, with its MTK 7628 chipset, is a compact yet powerful device. This tutorial will guide you through gaining root access and flashing its bootloader, enhancing its capabilities and performance.

Gaining Root Access

To enable SSH on Xiaomi’s official firmware, two prerequisites must be met:

  1. The firmware must be the development version, available for download here.
  2. The nvram set ssh_en=1 setting needs to be enabled. Since the nano lacks a USB interface, its default ssh_en is 1.

Once SSH is enabled, the root password can be obtained through an algorithm that calculates it based on the router’s S/N.

import sys
import hashlib

# Xiaomi router r1d is different from others
salt = {'r1d': 'A2E371B0-B34B-48A5-8C40-A7133F3B5D88',
        'others': 'd44fb0960aa0-a5e6-4a30-250f-6d2df50a'}

def get_salt(sn):
    if "/" not in sn:
        return salt["r1d"]

    return "-".join(reversed(salt["others"].split("-")))

def calc_passwd(sn):
    passwd = sn + get_salt(sn)
    m = hashlib.md5(passwd.encode())
    return m.hexdigest()[:8]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} <S/N>")

    serial = sys.argv[1]

Flashing the Bootloader

Backup Process

It’s advisable to backup the firmware before proceeding with any flashing:

dd if=/dev/mtd0 of=/tmp/all.bin

Ensure to transfer the backup file to your computer using the SCP protocol.

Flashing Breed Bootloader

Breed is a highly recommended bootloader. Start by downloading the breed-mt7688-reset38.bin and transfer it to the router’s /tmp directory.

mtd -r write /tmp/breed-mt7688-reset38.bin Bootloader

Breed provides a safety net by allowing recovery even if incorrect firmware is flashed.

Entering Breed

To access the breed interface:

  1. Connect your PC to the router using a network cable.
  2. Use the LAN port, not the blue WAN port.
  3. Disconnect power, hold the Reset button, then reconnect power. Wait for the yellow light to blink (about 5 seconds) before releasing Reset.
  4. Access the breed interface by navigating to in a browser.

This guide aims to simplify the process of flashing the bootloader on your Xiaomi Router Nano, unlocking its full potential and ensuring a smooth, trouble-free experience.

