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Step-by-Step Web Server Nginx Setup Guide

1 minute read

Nginx is a high-performance web server known for its efficiency, especially in terms of memory usage, fast startup times, and handling high concurrency. This...

Comprehensive Guide to Cellphone Plans

3 minute read

A cellphone plan is necessary for everyone living in a modern city. How to pick a suitable plan is a skillful question. And if you want, you can purchase one...

Comprehensive Guide to Kindle Jailbreaking

1 minute read

This tutorial provides a detailed walkthrough on jailbreaking the Kindle, allowing you to unlock additional functionalities and customize your device beyond ...

Easy Guide to Setting Up ZeroTier VPN

1 minute read

ZeroTier offers a seamless way to create secure networks linking various devices like on-premise systems, cloud platforms, desktops, and mobile devices. This...

Step-by-Step Shadowsocks Proxy Setup Guide

less than 1 minute read

Building on our previous discussion of Trojan-gfw, this guide focuses on Shadowsocks-libev, an alternative proxy tool that encrypts traffic to evade ISP netw...

Step-by-Step Trojan Proxy Setup Guide

less than 1 minute read

In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through setting up a Trojan proxy, an effective tool for bypassing network censorship. Trojan-gfw is adept at disguising inte...

Essential Algorithms for Array Manipulation

1 minute read

Arrays, as foundational data structures in programming, exhibit two key characteristics: zero-based indexing and contiguous memory allocation. This guide exp...

Docker Installation with Automatic Script

less than 1 minute read

Docker revolutionizes the way we think about software deployment with its innovative platform-as-a-service (PaaS) model. Utilizing OS-level virtualization, D...

Step-by-Step Jekyll Blog Setup Guide

1 minute read

Jekyll, an elegant and efficient static site generator, serves as an ideal platform for bloggers and developers looking for simplicity and power in their web...

First Blog

less than 1 minute read

业精于勤荒于嬉,行成于思毁于随。 Achievements are reached by hard work rather than recreation. Actions are done after thorough consideration rather than casual decisions.

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